St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine

  1. News
  2. Bumblebee Class

Bumblebee Class

18 October 2024 (by schoollogin)

I say it every week - but it's been another great week!

This week the children have enjoyed some new enhancements to the outdoor area and have enjoyed some imaginative play with the bricks, hard hats and hi-viz vests. They have problem solved in order to build towers using a broom handle and slotting the bricks on top.  We thought about towers inside too and we have explored an activity within our Media and Materials learning whereby the children have used a range of simple materials to start to make planned structures such as lines and towers.

The water play outside has been enjoyed – some of the children ‘enjoy’ it more than others and seem to get very wet despite wearing waterproofs! We do have wellies and waterproofs in school which the children can wear but if you, haven’t already, and would rather send your child some waterproofs and wellies in please ensure they are named we will keep them in school for your child to wear.

During our outside learning we have enjoyed some ‘drama games’ which build on anticipation and sequencing by anticipating what will happen next, such as parachute games using ‘Ready steady go’ or 5,4,3,2,1 …. Blast off. ‘Ready Steady Go’ is something you could do at home and see if your child anticipates before the final pause and indicates ‘go’ in some way.

As usual we end the day with lots of singing, some of the Nursery Rhymes are very popular with the children. If your child has a favourite Nursery Rhyme make a note of it in the Reading Record and we will add it to our repertoire (if it is not in there already!)

The Grand Old Duke of York will remain as next week’s early reading phonic focus, as always this can be accessed on the parent section of the Little Wandle webpage. continue to listen to this at home with your child and model the actions demonstrated by the adult on screen.

Our focussed Maths has been looking at groups of objects – you could do this at home while completing every day tasks and use the sentence stems below to describe what you are doing:

  • I made a collection of _____.
  • There are a lot of _____.
  • There are only a few _____.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in the donations to the food bank.

Your child will bring home the school photo they had taken today and also a little bag for you to use to collect some autumnal objects over the weekend to send in to school.

Have a lovely weekend. 


Mrs Lee and The Hive Team

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