At Driffield CE Infant School, we teach Personal, Social and Health Education and also Relationships and Health Education.
As an infant school, PSHE and RHE are about what constitutes wellbeing and loving care for ourselves (physical and mental health education) and how we show loving care for others (relationships education).
Our lessons that teach pupils about their body parts and how their bodies change are part of both the health and science curriculum and are an essential part of our wider safeguarding curriculum. It is also about the spiritual and moral aspects of healthy, loving and nurturing relationships within a context of a Christian vision for the purpose of life.
Pupils will consider how to ensure that they treat themselves and others, at all times and in all contexts, with dignity and respect.
Click below for more information about our PSHE curriculum and Relationships Education and Health Education curriculum.
Curriculum Progression in Relationships Education
Curriculum Progression in Health Education
This is what our children have said about Personal, Social and Health Education and RHE this year
Our Knowledge Maps (below) give an overview of the key knowledge and vocabulary to be taught in each unit.
As a school we have signed up to the Primary Futures 'Inspirational Futures’ programme.
Primary Futures is a programme for schools that connects schools with inspiring role models from across the world of work through a database of thousands of volunteers. Primary Futures aims to raise children’s aspirations and attainment, broaden horizons and help to show the many exciting opportunities that might be open to them in the future. You can’t be what you can’t see!
The research to date shows real success and evidence suggests that career-related learning enriched with employer activities increases motivation, particularly among the most disadvantaged children. After a Primary Futures activity, 82% of almost 10,000 children said they now understand that core subjects can be useful in many jobs, and 88% agreed that doing well in school could help them in the future. Furthermore, activities help challenge gender stereotypes – after meeting volunteers from the world of work, 84% of pupils said that they understand boys and girls can do the same job.