St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine

  1. News
  2. Bumblebee Class

Bumblebee Class

11 October 2024 (by schoollogin)

We have had another lovely week this week and were not deterred by the rain

This week every child has been in The Nest working on some 'your turn, my turn' activities which they have really enjoyed. We use The Nest for a range of one to one work and the children enjoy the different sensory experiences they gain from being in there. 
We have all enjoyed the Nursery Rhyme of the fortnight which has been Row Row Row your Boat, here is a reminder of where you can access the rhyme to listen to it at home Feel free to record in your child's reading record when you have listened to the rhyme and any comments you may have. You can also use the Reading Record to write down when you have read to your child and use it to communicate with us if they found anything particularly interesting or engaging. The Nursery Rhyme for the next two weeks will come home on Monday as a paper copy and can accessed online using the above link.
Everyone has now been issued a login for a Tapestry account if you wish for us  to create an additional online account for your child you can have multiple access for the same child in order to grant access to both parents individually, or grandparents if you wish. (Please ask for another copy of the form if you wish to do this.) Feel free to like and comment on the posts we share.
The children have enjoyed playing parachute games in side the classroom and exploring both underneath and on top of it this week as well as some painting outside.
Next week's Maths will be looking at 'more than, fewer than and the same. 
As mentioned in our Newsletter we will be having our annual harvest collection to support the Driffield Food Bank from Monday 14th October to Friday 18th October. If you are able to donate an item of non-perishable food (e.g. tins, packets, dried food, cereals) or other household essentials (toothpaste, nappies, toilet paper etc) to support our local community, the Food Bank will be very grateful.  Items can be brought into school throughout the week.
Thank you for any donations you are able to make.
Have a lovely weekend. 
Mrs Lee and The Hive Team. 

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